4th Generation Landscaping and Design strives to provide its customers with the best mulch services in Charlotte, NC. As part of this commitment, we want to help you understand the important parts of landscaping, like mulching. Read through our blog to better understand mulch, then contact us to treat your landscape to this beneficial process!
4 Important Facts About Mulch
Everything You Need To Know About Mulch

What is the Purpose of Mulch?
Mulch is a material, usually organic, that is spread over the surface of the soil. It can be used for many different purposes, such as protecting plants from the elements, keeping the soil moist for longer, and improving the soil quality by adding nutrients.

What are the Different Types of Mulch?
There are two different types of mulch, organic and inorganic. Inorganic mulch consists of black plastic and geotextiles while organic mulch is made of grass clippings, straw, leaves, or our favorite, wood chips. Some of these you can make yourself in the Fall when leaves, grass clippings, and straw are in abundance!

How Much Should You Use?
A general rule of thumb is to use three inches of mulch for most plants. This will help to protect the plant from the elements and keep the soil moist. For areas that are particularly dry or sunny, you may want to use up to six inches of mulch.

When Should You Apply Mulch?
Mulch should be applied in the spring and fall. For best results, apply mulch when the ground is moist so that it can easily be worked into the soil. You should also avoid applying mulch too close to the base of your plants, as this can encourage root rot from lack of airflow to the soil.
Mulch is an important part of gardening that can not only keep your plants healthy but also gives your landscape a finished look. If you want some of the best mulch services in Charlotte, NC, then contact 4th Generation Landscaping and Design today!